Why Preloved Handbags are Cooler than New Ones


My latest find, the Louis Vuitton Perle Vernis Malibu Street Bag. LOVE IT!

My latest find, the Louis Vuitton Perle Vernis Malibu Street Bag. LOVE IT!

Since purchasing my first “preloved” handbag last December, seeking out superior vintage finds online has become a new obsession hobby.  “Preloved” is an elegant way  of saying “pre-owned”, which is less elegantly known as “used”.  Sometimes the “vintage” label is applied to preloved items, but this really term is technically inaccurate  if the bag is only a few years old.  

Whatever you call it, there is a thriving online market for pre-owned luxury handbags. I am particularly drawn to Canadian websites like Love that Bag, Modaselle and Beyond the Rack which I blame as partly responsible for my new online window shopping habit, (which may border on the verge of addiction). 

On the surface, it might seem that the singular advantage to buying preloved items is greater accessibility to high-end brands.  As I’ve fallen deeper down the rabbit hole of this new interest however, I’ve become convinced that pre-owned handbags aren’t just less expensive than their new counterparts, they are also much cooler! Here’s why: 

Greater selection 

With vintage/preloved shopping, you’re not limited to a designer’s current collection.  With a little patience (and diligent e-hunting), you can theoretically pick your ideal handbag from every bag ever produced.  A vintage handbag is selected from a much wider pool of styles making it a much cooler, more personalized, fashion statement.

Demonstrates fashion literacy and individuality 

Budget willing, anyone can walk into a designer boutique and purchase the “it bag” of the moment, but doing so doesn’t really say much about one’s unique style or personality.  Do you know the year, history, season and artistic director behind the bag on your arm? Is your arm candy reminiscent of an era, trend or cultural movement that conveys meaning for you?  Vintage handbags are a great way to demonstrate your fashion knowledge and convey a vibe that’s all your own.  Continue reading